Bad Boy Bricky

Regular price $29.95

Tax included.

Be still!!    


Them be Angel bricks! and you would be right, custom designed and custom printed in NZ on 100% LEGO® sourced parts and elements, with a custom collector tin to boot!

Our bad boy Bricky is ready to do some singing,adventuring and his ever favorite activity wrapping!

Each set contains one custom printed Bricky minfig, with his suitcase pet cat and microphone,  please note there is 2 options for the head/expression, please select either singing Bricky or Smiling Bricky


limited run stock on this item, many people thought it was a crazy fig to make, but we are here to prove them wrong!




Please note contains small parts not intended for children under the age of 5

Due to the mature theme of these minifigs please 18+years of age

No animals were hurt during the making of Bricky nor do we endorse any mistreatment of any living being Brickys pet is purely satire and inspired by art house cinema

Due to production times and nature of the product orders can take upto 5-7 days to ship

Our friends at LEGO® want us to remind you while these products are printed on New LEGO® bricks, they are not endorsed or official LEGO® works/designs these are custom products printed and designed by RicsBricks